Christoph Prunsche

“The work as an Orienteering coach here in Tasmania is amazing not just because of beautiful terrain like “Pittwater” and the breathtaking landscape, but also because of all the young and keen runners and all the friendly orienteers in general. Compared to Germany, which is a very urbanized country, the Tasmanian landscape is just breathtaking and so is doing Orienteering here.”
“Besides that I helped to organize a training camp together with Brodie Nankervis for the Tasmanian Juniors in St. Helens, another great experience! We had some very good training days and a lot of fun together. Once again it is hard to not be jealous of all the beautiful Tasmanian forests, especially up in St. Helens. Back home in Germany most forests are not as technically demanding as here, because we have heaps of roads going through them, while during our training camp I was running on a road only twice – just like it should be!”